Seven years of free tea: teapigs turns 13 years old!

It’s teapigs 13th birthday on 6th November and to celebrate they’re holding their 6th free tea day. Over 250 teapigs stockists will be taking part and giving away free tea at their cafes and delis in over 15 countries, and in the UK, teapigs will be “popping up” at various city locations handing out tea. In the UK alone they will be giving away over 120,000 cups of tea – wowzers! Here’s how you can get involved.

A café or deli near you
Over 250 UK teapigs stockist locations are joining their party, so go on, pop in, say hello, grab your free cuppa and make a new friend! You’ll know if they are involved because there will be BALLOONS EVERYWHERE!!! Visit in the weeks leading up to 6th November to find your local teapigs stockist.

“It’s been great to see how enthusiastic the trade have been in response to our Free Tea Days over the last 7 years. We’ve received some fantastic photos from them over the years, not only sharing free teapigs tea with their customers on the day, but also clearly enjoying themselves! Taking part in teapigs Free Tea Day is a great opportunity for the trade to engage with their customers – new and existing – and offers a point of difference from other businesses in the area.
It’s also an opportunity to upsell other items on the menu – who can resist a slice of cake with a cuppa? It’s not every day that customers will be treated to a free cup of teapigs so it’s in the trade’s interest to drum up the publicity and take part in the biggest teapigs tea give away of the year.” teapigs free tea day is definitely not to be missed, so pop it in the diary now and join in on the fun on 6th November and don’t forget to be social @teapigs #teapigsfreeteaday
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