New Bonsan Absolutely Vegan brand launching July 2018
From the exception to exceptional – the mission of Bonsan is to break down the ‘us and them’ divide and bring food that’s exciting, accessible, vegan and organic. Bonsan is dedicated to bringing the world of vegan eating to life, through an array of exciting products.
The range, that spans from creamy dairy free dressings to kombucha cultured tofu products, allows anyone to make healthy and enjoyable food choices that make a difference; to themselves, to animals and to the environment.
The full range will be available through Ocado, Whole Foods Market and health food shops across the UK:
Bonsan Vegan Breakfast Scramble
Bonsan Vegan Kofu Steak (made with kombucha cultured tofu)
Bonsan Vegan Kofu Grill Sausages (made with kombucha cultured tofu)
Bonsan Vegan Kofu Spiced Chunks (made with kombucha cultured tofu)
Bonsan Vegan Almond Crème Original
Bonsan Vegan Almond Crème Bell Pepper
Bonsan Vegan Almond Crème Wild Garlic
Bonsan Vegan Garlic Aioli
Bonsan Vegan Cocomayo
Bonsan Vegan Caesar Dressing
Bonsan Vegan Sweet Mustard Dressing
For more information, please contact
Tel: 0208 547 2775
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